Project date:
January – October 2021
Target Group:
Volunteers of the association – CSB agents – Presumed autistic children – Community

Results completed :
- Training of 20 people on autism screening
- Screening of 42 children
- Awareness raising on autism at the level of 11 Communes of Antananarivo, 35 Fokontany, 18 places of worship and 08 offices of the security forces
Activités principales :
- Training of volunteers and CSB agents on autism screening at the community level
- Realization of a community sensitization in 11 Communes of Antananarivo
- Screening of presumed autistic children

Human resources (number of people assigned to the project)
- Trainers
- Volunteers responsible for the coordination of the project
Financial means (allocated to the project)
6 000 000 ariary
Lessor(s) :