Autism Madagascar is an association of Malagasy law officially registered at the level of the competent authorities according to the decree n°1121/15-MID/SG/DGAT/DPID/ANT/ASS of November 15, 2015. It was created by the initiative of some parents of autistic children and volunteers. The association has as vision that all children, whatever their differences, are born equal and enjoy the same rights”.Autism Madagascar works for the promotion of the rights of different people including autistic people through actions of awareness, training, advocacy, mass communication. It is not a reception center but a listening and orientation center for parents and actors of autism and other forms of human differences.it currently has eight regional branches: Analamanga, Fianarantsoa, Antsirabe, Moramanga, Tamatave, Diégo, Tuléar, Majunga.the association takes its strength through the motivation of parents and volunteers spread throughout Madagascar in addition to the support of technical and financial partners.