Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is one of the neurodevelopmental disorders described in the DSM-V. Signs appear before the age of three. The signs appear before the age of 03 years.

Autism is characterized by the autistic duo:

  • Significant difficulties in communication and social interactions
  • Presence of restricted or repetitive behaviors, activities and interests (stereotypies, echolalia…)

The causes are still unknown but genetic and environmental causes are suspected.the diagnosis of autism is made by a multidisciplinary professional team such as a psychologist, a psychomotrician, speech therapists, neuropsychiatrist, occupational therapist. An early and adapted screening must be done to guide parents in the necessary care and increase the chances of progression and integration of the child in society. It should be noted that autism is not treated with medication but requires support. One is born autistic and one dies autistic.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is one of the neurodevelopmental disorders described in the DSM-V. Signs appear before the age of three. The signs appear before the age of 03 years.

Autism is characterized by the autistic duo:

  • Significant difficulties in communication and social interactions
  • Presence of restricted or repetitive behaviors, activities and interests (stereotypies, echolalia…)

The causes are still unknown but genetic and environmental causes are suspected.the diagnosis of autism is made by a multidisciplinary professional team such as a psychologist, a psychomotrician, speech therapists, neuropsychiatrist, occupational therapist. An early and adapted screening must be done to guide parents in the necessary care and increase the chances of progression and integration of the child in society. It should be noted that autism is not treated with medication but requires support. One is born autistic and one dies autistic.

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